Child advocacy student smiling at young child

Child Advocacy and Policy Admission Requirements

In order to gain admission into the program students must submit:

  • An application.
  • Academic transcript from each college and/or university attended, documenting an earned undergraduate degree.
  • A statement of objectives.
  • Two (2) letters of recommendation from persons qualified to evaluate the applicant’s promise of academic achievement and potential for professional growth.
  • A current resume is not required, but applicants are encouraged to include one.

Graduate Record Exam (GRE) requirement waived for admission to this program.


  • During the application process, you have the ability to directly upload your unofficial transcripts via your application portal. We encourage you to take advantage of this option, as sending official transcripts prior to admission may delay the processing of your application. Please visit The Graduate School FAQ Page for Uploading Your Unofficial Transcripts.
  • If you studied under a maiden name or prior name, your institution must indicate both prior and current names on your transcript.
  • Do not request a transcript from the Montclair State University Registrar if Montclair is listed on your application as a previous or current institution. The Graduate School will obtain your Montclair State University transcript directly.
  • Including your U.S. social security number on your transcript or transmittal sheet will expedite processing of your application.

Statement of Objectives

Many of our programs require a written statement or an essay. The statement or essay, in which you present your reasons for your proposed graduate studies, is an important component of the admission decision process.

  • Please provide a personal statement of no more than 600 words, in which you answer the following three questions.
  1. How will earning a graduate degree (or graduate certificate) in child advocacy and policy help you reach your professional goals?
  2. What professional and life experiences have you had that have prepared you to take on this particular degree program and chosen profession?
  3. Serving children and families requires working with individuals of all cultures, races, ethnicities, and other diverse and varied backgrounds. Please describe your commitment to and engagement with social, racial, and/or economic justice.
  • If your undergraduate grade point average (GPA) is below 3.0, please provide an additional statement of no more than 200 words that addresses the reasons for your low undergraduate GPA and how you plan to maintain a GPA of at least 3.0 if you are admitted to our program.If your undergraduate GPA is below 2.5, please provide an additional statement of no more than 200 words that addresses the reasons for your low undergraduate GPA and how you plan to maintain a GPA of at least 2.5 if you are admitted to our program.
  • All candidates must meet application and admission requirements as defined by Graduate Admissions.